Thursday 17 December 2009

So, this is Christmas....

...And what have we done? Well folks, what haven't we done? We've produced a stunning show which has received more feedback from the audiences than I have remembered in a long time! We have broken with the more traditional CAST panto, but provided a feel-good show with ups and downs which made our audiences laugh and made them cry. Every single person who I spoke to who came to see it said they left the hall with a warm Christmassy feeling, which is just how we planned it.
First time Director really pulled together a fab show (coupled with great performances by a magnificent and talented cast of course)and also did a grand job on sound as well, so a big pat on the back to you Director Scrooge!

I do also have to say that it was a pleasure being part of this cast, we had a lot of laughs, some tears (coupled with a lot of snot) and a real sense of camaraderie and friendship. Our newbies did really well (except when it came to set strike, but that's another story), Twainie was brilliant as always, Dickie really pulled it off as a first timer with a lead role and of course, I couldn't gush about the performers without mentioning the main man (and MY main man) - Scroogie. A wonderful performance by you, well done, your talents know no end x x x.

Thanks must also go to Gordie/Old Joe for hosting the after show party, you'll probably never offer that again! To all the Backstage Boys (weren't they a band?) and everyone who helped out over the last 3 months. Without you we couldn't have done it.

So, this IS Christmas.

We move on to the next one, suffering the post show blues for a few weeks until we're back for "No Sex Please We're British" or NSPWB as it will be shortened to from now on. We have a slight dilemma though, what do we call the blog? I'm sure that if it was allaboutsex we might get a few people not quite expecting a blog about a play, perhaps we'd get a few more readers, hmm worth considering maybe? Scroogie also thinks that he should be called Director Sex which would mean I would be Producer Sex, I did say no but it's growing on me...

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