Sunday 25 October 2009

Absent friends and colleagues.......

Well Dear Readers ( I count that 2 people are reading this, so why am I doing this I ask, its because I have to !).

So where are we so far this week ?

  1. Producer Herbug and Scroogie are clocking up miles again , off to Zanzibar for a week.
  2. We were 5 cast-ers down last thursday, including the Night Shift working Director, but we carried on regardless and directorless.
  3. Box office open and were ticket selling rapidly now,hint hint to one and all!
  4. Facebook how has another event to promote, Namely ours! Thanks to Director Scrooge
  5. Last night saw the annual CAST dinner with 15 hardy souls and good conversation and wine and beer for those non drivers. Director Scrooge bacame the font of knowlege of all things Medical.
  6. How does an Italian restaurant charge £1.50 cover charge AND 10% additional fixed service charge and kepe a staight face, its Colnbrook ffs, not Mayfair !
  7. Extra hour in bed today, and extra 24 hours of doing sod all with the lovely Director
  8. Searching the web for a 4 poster bed, stools and other material for ACC.
  9. Good news,, our battle against shyster insurance companies has paid off, new fridge freezer here we come !
  10. Why do people do ten things on their list ?
Laters people, I promise to be funnier next time

Sunday 18 October 2009

An aMAZEing week

Hi Readers, so sorry for the noticeable absence, it wasn't all about Jeff's passing, more about having a hectic week of working and weddings. As Producer Himbug explained we had a mad weekend in Ohio (where else?), where we attended a beautiful wedding and it was well worth the jet-lag and the extra money I spent on another pair of shoes (they were absolutely necessary - honest!)
We arrived back on Monday morning and still came to rehearsals on Monday night (there's dedication for you) where there was a little bit of speculation around the parentage of Tiny Tim and whether Scroogie has rather more to do with Mrs Cratchet than he should have done....
Unfortunately on Thursday I had to go to a Gordon Ramsay restaurant and eat delicious food and drink very expensive wine and miss rehearsals (hmm, it's tough, but someone has to do it!). But I hear it went very well and we are all blocked and ready to start running through, just in time for me to miss another rehearsal on Thursday for a team event that I have to attend (work is getting in the way of my social life - it's terrible!).
I will blog after Monday's rehearsal, I promise.

Saturday 17 October 2009

Faithless was right.......I cant get no sleep

Well after a wonderful long sleep, 9.30pm til 4am.....what a hectic life I lead, I thought id add to the blog and update you all on all things Himbugish.

We have blocked all the play, hooray, ahead of schedule and no one has had a hissy fit screamed or stormed off, and long may that continue I say.

We have recently seen at rehearsal; Carry On Scrooge, where he transfers from a miserly grouch into Kenneth Williams. Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come or GOCYTC for those of you who speak text,brought in Pre Diwali food, and boy was it delicious. Apart from delicate Belle getting an attack of 'oh my god thats spicy' it was much appreciated.

The online booking is open, hint hint ! so tell one,, tell all, and more importantly get the cash first!

Scrooge had a birthday this week and caught up in age with yours truly....44,look 34, act 24, iq 14. Herbug and Scrooge jetted off to the US of A for a whole 3 days in search of a wedding which they found apparently,hence the shoe expedition 7 days previous with yours truly.
Honestly I wasnt looking for shoes, please believe me but £20 for Skechers, I ask you guv'nor, bargain, much cheapness!

Now im off to wake her Directorship for much deserved breakfast,tlc, etc and other things to draw a veil over........laters my scrooge-ites..

Producer Himbug

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Poor Jeff

Sad news readers. Yesterday I announced the arrival of our beloved new pet fly and then tragedy strikes. Scroogie and I arrived home last night to find a body on the floor in the hall, we think it's Jeff. I thought it looked too small to be Jeff but Scroogie was convinced so we are in a period of mourning now and I'm far too upset to blog properly...

Monday 5 October 2009

Shoe Fly don't bother me!

Let me set the scene.

I needed someone to go shoe shopping with as Scroogie was going to watch his beloved football team play on Sunday. I asked Director Scrooge if she would like to come with me, unfortunately she was on nights this weekend (poor thing). She suggested I take Producer Himbug with me (!), I didn't think he'd want to spend his Sunday shoe shopping with me and said as much. Then, some time later, I suggested to Producer Himbug that we needed to have a production meeting as there was a few things we needed to get a grip on. He asked me what I was up to at the weekend and I explained about the shoe shopping and the football and that. Then, some more time later, Director Scrooge came over and Producer Himbug said that he was coming shoe shopping with me and that we could have our production meeting over lunch - strange boy, VOLUNTEERING to come shopping for shoes! He is now fully educated on the evils of toe cleavage and what makes a lovely shoe (essential skills, I'm sure you'll agree).

So we went shoe shopping, Producer Himbug bought two pairs to my one pair, but spent half as much - How does that work?!? Erm and the production meeting? Well, my head was filled with shoes, so naturally I forgot my production notebook but we did have lunch!

I have another story to tell about our new pet. On Saturday I saved a fly that had landed in my little panther's water bowl. I fished it out and set it on the side to dry out. Now it has no fear of us (it let Scroogie stroke it) and I think it thinks it's our pet, so we've called it Jeff. Seriously.

Thursday 1 October 2009

Rush, Rush, Hurry, Hurry

So, readers. I was full of the best intentions this week. I was going to update the blog on Tuesday, I even took notes! But alas and alack "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" beat me into submission and I ended up watching TV instead of updating you all, er.... sorry.

And now, I have no time to write a thoughtful and comprehensive update on what happened on Monday night as I need to leave to get to the hall, see that's what comes of leaving everything to the last minute. So unfortunately (for you), you'll just have to put up with my scribbled notes which are:

1. Cost of Oysters, this was debated (although it wasn't a large scale debate, or a mass....)and we were informed that you can get your money back when you turn the oysters in (or out).

2. Slurring, apparently, Twainy was slurring his words and has been told to lay of the beer (he's a disgrace, honestly).

3. Twainy and Dickie have been doing it in the bar (nuff said).

4. Two of the book keepers have been stealing (shocking behaviour)and Director Scrooge loves it.

5. Freddie knows his words (well, most of them) and Director Scrooge said we can call him Teachers Pet, so I will. Teachers Pet!

6. Book keepers need to mutter more.

7. The Ghost of Christmas Present wants to wear platforms

8. Everyone needs to smile more - even on a Monday!

So, no time to do anything else as I need to leave now, catch you later.