Monday 28 September 2009

I'm in the mood for dancing....

On thursday we danced, then we did some dancing and then we ran through the dance we just did and then we performed the dance for Director Scrooge and she liked it. Me? I think it's fabulous and I am hoping that we can do it again tonight, not only so that it stays in my head, but because I like it. Well done Dance Mistress!

Dickie was back from Germany so came back to rehearsals and didn't do the dance but both him and Twainy get surrounded at the end (but not in a scary way, well not much anyway). They also wanted the song to end quicker than anyone else, but we'll soon beat that out of them.

Scroogie and Belle went off and did their duet, which everyone came out from very pleased with themselves although Scroogie says he's forgotten it already (but don't tell Director Scrooge will you?).

I will get better at keeping up with the blogging, it's just difficult at the moment, I promise readers I will improve!

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Omniscience at the Marriott

Well dear reader, its in the can, cd,mp3 or whatever. Yes the recording has been done O Caroll-ers there are no excuses for not learning your lines from now on !
Dir.Scrooge announced that she was now ILS qualified, which of course to the men meant International Lesbian Society.( its actually something to do with defibrillation in Nursing )
After Cratchetty had got his little gizmo out, (a recording gizmo, nothing naughty you dirty minded readers!) we started our recording with a small but adequately formed CAST standing in for various roles. We had Scroogy, Him and Herbug,Director Scroogy, Twainy,Carol Singery/Petery, Timmy and of course Cratchetty.
It all went well due to Dir.Scrooges usual efficiency and planning.We all went through the scenes with classical aplomb, apart from Twainy saying ' Omniscience!' at the beginning of one scene,as Himbug and Twainy could not pronounce it. Cue his and hersterics all round!
All in all a jolly way to spend a couple of hours and thanks to Madame Herbug of Marriott International.
What we learned tonight was; Dir.Scrooge is an International Lesbian,Twainy's other half is an Advanced Lesbian apparently,Petery has carrier bags from 125 years! hah hahhh!,Marriott flip chart sheets are 25 each!!,Twainy can say OMNISCIENT! phonetically,Himbug cant open Lucozade bottles quietly and people that shall remain nameless are kleptomaniacs,thieves and scoundrels, with borrowed towels,cutlery and plumbing.
See you soon dear readers !

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Pipped at the Post

Ha ha ha, I have rather amused myself with the title of this blog, pipped at the post, get it? No? That's what it's called when you log a blog, a post. And Producer Himbug beat me to the blog ha ha! NO? Please yourselves then.... It's not as funny if you have to explain it....

So anyway, having been given an update on last nights activities by P.Himbug, I don't need to give you all my thoughts on the great job that D Scrooge is doing so far. Suffice it to say, I am very much enjoying being a part of this small but perfectly formed cast of CAST (ha ha, there I go again....).

So, things of note from last night. Twainy showed me some interesting (?) pictures that he had taken of light bulbs and an empty table in a restaurant which prompted a rousing verse of "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables" from Les Mis, just stunning, we should be on the stage! As well as the obligatory Humbugs that I feel I have to bring I also brought Chocolate Limes and I have decided that I don't like them, so there's a whole packet to be eaten sitting in my ACC bag. I had taken some pictures of my hands (the ones I made not my actual hands) to show Director Scrooge, but then left the picture device at home - d'oh! I am going to try to attach them here but I'm not sure if it will work or not.... Our Newby GOCYTC became a book keeper and delivered her first lines at a rehearsal, after a few times she relaxed into it a bit more and come the show will be amazing I am sure!

Tonight is the recording of the script to aid line learning at the fantastic Marriott Heathrow Windsor Hotel, who have very kindly donated some space to us - thank you so much as always. Me and Scroogie are meeting before hand for some dinner at the hotel, he's treating me (woo hoo!) Lobster Thermidore.... Champagne.... mmmm.

Anyway readers, I'll let you know if anything interesting happens tonight, otherwise I'll pick up after Thursday's rehearsal, bye for now!

Monday 21 September 2009

Hah Bumhug!!!!

Well, the first session of blocking has come and gone dear readers, and no one died, had a hissy fit or stormed off !
Im well impressed with Director Scrooge, focussed, determined,constantly praising and has a vision of where she wants to take us all.
Tonight we were Dickieless and Charity Worker 2/Clara-less. Yours truly stepped up to the plate and performed so well as Dickie that even Sir Dickie himself wouldve been impressed. (that's Attenborough not Bird).
Fear not Dickie I have written all your blocking notes ready for you and Twainy to resume your wit and banter once you return von Deutschland.
Scroogy well and truly scared all his female bookkeepers tonight and they had trouble balancing the books as a result ( it doesn't get any better sorry !)
Producer Herbug produced her Humbugs and as a result im sure some words were missed as fragments of sugar were being extricated with teeth and tongue.
We witnessed Ghostie Futurey's debut and was it me or did the room go colder when she walked in the room ?, no words spoken but there was a chill in the air ( Memo to self, get the radiators turned up next time)
Finally can I say this is the most focused happy and determined CAST I have had the privilege to work with.
If the first 3 rehearsals are to go by, we are going to have a totally bare footed audience , one where their socks have been blown off.
Keep it going guys, you have a hit on your hands.

That's handy

Thursday held yet more singing and we did 6 of the songs in the show! Which is great to get so much of the singing started so early. Dance mistress showed Director Scrooge her choreography to the song that I sing and Director Scrooge loved it! I have been practising my song as I didn't know the tune too well, so I hope she's pleased!

Other things of note from Thursday, there seems to be a romance between Freddie and Charity worker number 1, which is kinda cute, good on ya guys. Dickie will be missing on Monday, some feeble excuse about having to go to Germany - where's the commitment? Twainy was being rude. Scroogie was still a little gravelly having shouted at his football team too much before coming to rehearsals. Director Scrooge forgot the surgical gloves I asked her for (all will be revealed). There was a conversation about Chocolate Limes getting stuck to the roof of your mouth so I have bought some for Monday's rehearsal to test it out, along with more Humbugs (well, living up to my name, right?).

Since Thursday I have made some hands but I think they may be too small so I'm going to make some bigger ones at the weekend, time permitting....

Sunday 20 September 2009

Excuses, excuses

Okay, so once more it seems that I am apologising for not blogging - and of course I have my excuses, pretty good ones too actually, so there! However, I am not going to go into them here, if you want to know you'll have to ask.

So, let's start with Monday's rehearsal - our first one! Woo Hoo! Dickie was late. We spent 10 minutes waiting for him before we could get on with anything - Bad Dickie! However he did redeem himself by bringing down a friend, who was just coming to see what we are all about and perhaps help out back stage or with sets and costumes etc (ha ha ha). What she didn't know (and what Scroogie told her when she came in) was that she would be given an audition (was asked if she could point) and was then given a part as Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. Once she had accepted this part and accepted she would be on stage, she was then allocated several other parts including being a party guest at Fred and Clara's house. She seems happy enough though and even called me to check that a weekend away wouldn't clash with a performance (nice try). It doesn't.

Singing was the order of the day on Monday we sang the opening and closing numbers and Director Scrooge was very happy with us (that's cos we're great!). I though it all sounded marvellous too.

I need to stop here as Scroogie need the puter for something else, I think he's going to write War and Peace or something like that....

Thursday to follow - sorry again readers....

Monday 14 September 2009

A Tale of Two Auditions

Erm, yes, er, sorry readers. There seems to have been a little bit of a delay in getting this blog written up, I do have a life outside of you lot you know!

So, anyway, Thursday night was acting auditions. Open auditions, so much catterwalling and audience participation with comments and quite a few giggles too. Lots of Scrooges, Ghosts and Narrators, Newbies yanking people about and general rudeness (no change there then). The audience loved being book keepers and were shouted at by a number of different Scrooges, some more terrifying than others (I swear Evremonde lives again!)! What fun!

The good thing about this blog being late is that we now know who's been cast as who (or should that be whom?)so I will be able to refer to these peeps by their character names. His artistic highness will now be known as Twainy, newbies known as Dickie, Freddie and Gordie etc etc etc.... So you will have to pay attention!

Tonight we get under way and Director Scrooge has asked us to bring along our singing voices (I'm not sure we can leave them behind can we?) so we're doing the big chorus numbers that open and close the show. As my character isn't on until the second act I get to be ensemble for the first act, which I am actually looking forward to! Bring on the dancing and singing!

Perhaps Producer Himbug will get round to blogging at some point too.......

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Is it my turn?

Auditions Part 1

Singing last night, Acting on Thursday.

Two of the newbies that came to the read through last week came back for the auditions, which means we didn't quite manage to scare them off (either that or they like being scared!?!) and that is great as it's always nice to have new blood in the group (that wasn't meant to sound like we're vampires or anything - honest guv!). That being said, there seemed to be a severe lack of girlies last night and for once, we were seriously outnumbered (2 to 1!!!!)which never happens! I hope we'll have some more girlies down on Thursday for the acting side of things to even up the balance, we can't be outnumbered girls, come on, solidarity sisters!

We had another newby as well, which was also great, more new blood (O+?) and as often happens at these things, Future Director decided that we should all play darts whilst we waited to audition. Let battle commence. I didn't come last, but I think that might be because it seemed to be my turn, ALL THE TIME, how on earth that happened I'll never know! His Artistic Highness fought ferociously with one of the newbies for the champion title but was just pipped at the post.

Some 16 year old bottles of pop were discovered in the cellar, well, they went out of date in March 1993 so they were probably quite a bit older than that and the newby darts champ thought it would be a good idea to try it - I hope he'll still be alive to come to the acting auditions! He will thus forth be known as Schloerman.

And I have a new brother - I can't quite remember how this came about but one of the newbies is now my brother, strange things happen in this group....

Friday 4 September 2009

Wherever you find love it feels like Christmas....

I have to say, I LOVE Muppet Christmas Carol, it's my favourite Christmas film, although I have to say that I don't think I've ever watched it in September before. There was darkness and popcorn (I'm a great Producer) and it was great!

It ended up as quite a late one by the time we'd finished reading the scrip but I thought it went down very well. There's lots of very good parts up for grabs and next weeks auditions will be tough for Director Scrooge.

There'll be another update after the auditions next week, but for now it's the weekend and I need to go shopping (ah, the exciting Friday nights I have)!

Take care readers and have a fab one! Hope to see you all on Monday at auditions!

Thursday 3 September 2009

On your marks.... Get set....

So, off we go! Tonight we have our read through of the script, written by Director Scrooge, with comments a plenty from Producer Himbug no doubt! I for one am looking forward to seeing it and I believe there is a movie too, I think I may go and buy some popcorn after work for the occasion (an extra Producer Herbug treat for those who come to the read through).

Last night we submitted the budget to the committee and there were no real issues apart from his Artistic Highness demanding more money for his area. Probably to buy new pencils for his pencil case (see for more details).

So, tomorrow (probably), either myself or Producer Himbug will write all about tonight and if you're lucky, readers, you might even get a blog from both of us! I know, all your Christmases come at once eh?